College Students in Connecticut become Filmmakers

Reverberating beyond the classroom, the Digital Film emphasis at Central Connecticut State University and student accomplishments have inspired ESPN’s interest as well. In fact, the acclaimed network has recognized CCSU’s Filmmakers by hiring and retaining our graduates. Moreover, ESPN is actively seeking current Film students who are dedicated to the craft.
Having observed many non-speciailized college students transform into defined and practicing artists, the results are always inspiring. It starts by enrolling in one Film class (COMM 228). No previous knowledge of filmmaking is required. In fact, for those who merely practice the exercises repeatedly, regardless of talent or skill-level, end up building an undeniable and deeply empowering skill.
The INTRODUCTION TO FILMMAKING (COMM 228) course is currently open to all majors. For additional information and questions, contact us:
Email Jeffrey B. Teitler – Associate Professor – Department of Communication
Central Connecticut State University